The Central Maine Brittany Club Hunt Test
A hunt test is a great field event to do between hunting seasons to keep us and our dogs in shape and have some fun. It’s an opportunity to meet people with the same interests and get tips from veteran handlers to hone training and hunting abilities.
CMBC Hunt Tests follow AKC regulations and are open to all AKC pointing breed dogs that are 6 months or older on the first day of the hunt test. Visit the AKC for registration requirements and eligible breeds.
Our hunt tests are held at the beautiful Kennebunk Plains consisting of sandplain grassland, pitch pine-scrub oak barrens, pitch pine-heath barrens, and red maple alluvial swamp forest. Easy walking and great visibility. There is no camping at the site but camping and other dog friendly lodgings are a short distance away.
The Junior Hunt Tests are held on a single course with Bird Field. The Master Hunt Tests and Senior Hunt Tests are held on a single course with Bird Field. The optional water test will be held after the Master Hunt Test. A minimum of 15 minutes is allowed for each brace in the Junior Hunt Test, and at least 30 minutes is allowed for each brace in the Senior and Master Hunt Tests.
Central Maine Brittany Club members will make a special effort to help Junior handlers who may be new to field events. Entry fees are waived for junior handlers! Whatever your skill level or experience, the CMBC welcomes you to join us.
Saturday, April 21
Sunday, April 22
Hunt test was cancelled due to low entries
Optional water test after Masters!

Hunt Test Chairman
Ann Short
Hunt Test Committee
Theresa Plummer
John Short
Julie Harris
Denise Hue
David Herrington

Field Trials and Hunt Tests – What’s the Difference?
Unlike field trials, hunt tests are not competitive. In a field trial, championship points may be awarded to dogs in competition in various stakes with specific requirements. Hunting Tests enable owners to have the hunting abilities of their dogs evaluated and graded against written hunting standards under simulated but near-natural hunting conditions. Each dog is judged individually. At the end of a hunt test, dogs that score high enough will qualify towards certification.
What Titles Are Awarded?
Junior Hunter (JH) - 4 Qualifying scores at the Junior Hunt Test Level
Senior Hunter (SH) - 5 Qualifying scores at the Senior Hunt Test Level (4 if a Junior Hunter)
Master Hunter (MH) - 6 Qualifying scores at the Master Hunter Test Level (5 if a Senior Hunter)
Advanced Titles in each level are possible with additional qualifying scores, submission of a fee and an AKC Advanced Title tracking form.

The Score
Each ability is scored from 0 – 10. In order to qualify for the brace, the score must average at least 7 (8 for advanced titles) with no ability receiving a score less than 5.

CMBC Water Test​
The Central Maine Brittany Club will hold its first Water test as part of our two day spring Hunt Test. CMBC master and/or senior judges will judge the water test after the Master Hunt Test.
The water test is open to all AKC pointing breeds six months of age or over on the first day of the event. A passing score is needed in order for German Wire Haired Pointers and Spinones to earn a Senior Hunter or Master Hunter title.
The handler stands six feet from the water and the dog may be restrained by holding its collar. The dog must demonstrate its willingness to enter the water, to swim and to retrieve at the direction of its handler without being touched or intimidated. The handler may give multiple commands.
A blank pistol is fired while the bird is in the air. The dog needs to retrieve a dead game bird from the water after a swim of about 20 yards to the bird and then retrieve the bird to within two steps of the handler. Style is not considered and dogs either pass or fail.

German Wire Haired Pointers and Spinones must receive a passing score
in a water test in order to earn a Senior Hunter or Master Hunter title.

Guidelines for Scoring AKC Pointing Breed Hunt Tests
Judging is not an exact science and there are occasions when some aspect of an ability is viewed differently by different Judges. In AKC hunt test seminars, judges are encouraged to ask themselves "given the expectations of the level being judged, would you be proud to go hunting with this dog."
Although a judge must use his or her own judgement, the AKC has created the following scoring guidelines. The guidelines must be tempered by the testing level under consideration.
0 Score:
Lack of Performance
Disqualification warranted by extreme departures(s) from standard or complete lack of performance.
Illustrative Examples​
Aggression, no find, refuses to acknowledge honor, gun shy, bird unfit for consumption, no point, extreme interference with bracemate, etc.
1-4 Score:
Unacceptable Performance
Performance not to standard. Basic requirements not met. Significant fault(s) exhibited or major handler error(s).
Timid, does not hunt, bumps bird intentionally, flash point, out of sight too long, very disobedient, steals point, breaks point early, very ineffective retrieve, handler guides dog to bird, commands honor prior to acknowledgement, etc.
5-6 Score:
Qualifying Performance
Performance barely meets requirements. Performance meets essential requirements; however, there is need for improvements(s).
Excessive checking back, pottering, several "nonproductive" points, ignores likely cover, creeps on point or honor, point lacks intensity, repeated delayed response to commands, inefficient retrieve, etc.
Performance shows promise and meets essential requirements - could have been done more effectively.
7 Score:
Qualifying Performance
Useful hunting pattern, holds point just long enough, completes the retrieve but drops bird just short of handler, responds to commands but not always as quickly as desired, moves a step or two on shot, etc.

Performance exceeds essential requirements. A few minor areas for improvement may be observed.
8-9 Score:
Qualifying Performance
Hunts intelligently with speed and stamina, shows very good intensity in difficult situations, no movement at shot, honors quickly, etc.
Performance that significantly exceeds all requirements and is both efficient and effective.
10 Score:
Qualifying Performance
Something really exceptional, i.e., difficult blind retrieve, honors without handler present, multiple high-quality finds, extreme intensity on point, no verbal commands, etc.