The CMBC was incorporated in 1978 as a regional Brittany club. The club provides Mainers and northern New Englanders local opportunities for owners to work towards field championships with their dogs without having to travel long distances. Over the years, CMBC has worked hard to be able to offer AKC and American Field trials for the Brittany and other pointing breeds. The club has also gone through the necessary steps to be able to offer AKC Bench shows.
CMBC members have been extremely competitive in various venues with their Brittanys and successfully finished their dogs as National Champions, Amateur Field Champions, Dual Champions, American Field Champions, Show Champions, Agility Champions, Junior through Master Hunters, Flyball Champions and more. Currently there are several members who are actively involved in many of these dog sports resulting in a vast cumulative knowledge based on their experiences.
With a deep respect for past traditions and vision of the club's original founders, the CMBC continues to move forward to meet the needs and interests of all Brittany owners who are as versatile as the breed itself!

Founding member, Dwight "Pete" Jordan at the club's very first field trial over 30 years ago. His Brittany is locked up solid, on point as Pete walks in to flush the bird and fire a blank gun. Pete was active in the club until his late 90s.
We Care About Responsible Dog Ownership
Club members are available to answer your questions about responsible dog ownership. The CMBC has participated in educational events such as AKC "Meet The Breeds" as part of the Club's ongoing outreach efforts to promote responsible dog ownership and introduction to the Brittany.
CMBC works closely with AKC Government Relations and frequently presents the club's perspective regarding bird hunting and hunting with dogs to Maine's Senators and Representatives. CMBC has participated in the AKC "LOBBY DAY" held in the Hall of Flags at the Maine State Capital House in Augusta - an outreach event to familiarize state legislators with the concerns of responsible dog owners and breeders.
Club members are actively involved on legislative issues regarding the rights of all hunting and sporting dog owners and the welfare of their dogs.
AKC Resources
Learn more about responsible dog ownership
Learn more about the Bred with H.E.A.R.T Program
Learn more about legislative issues
Learn more about canine health
Breeders Club Code of Ethics​
Federation of Maine Dog Clubs
Brittany Rescue
Amerian Brittany Rescue

"Owning a dog is not just a privilege-it's a responsibility."
CMBC Affiliations
The CMBC is a regional club member of the American Brittany Club. The ABC promotes cooperation and friendship among the breeders and owners of a Brittany and encourages the highest standards in breeding, training and showing of Brittanys in the field and in the show ring. The ABC is committed to keeping the Brittany a dual dog
The CMBC is a licensed specialty club of the American Kennel Club. The AKC was established in 1884, and is the principal registry for purebred dogs in the U.S. CMBC field trials, hunt tests and conformation dog shows are AKC sanctioned. The CMBC follows AKC rules and regulations for it's field events and shows.
CMBC trials are sanctioned by American Field for AF registered dogs. AF publishes the Field Dog Stud Book which provides certified lists of wins of field trial winners,
registers kennel names and publishes quarterly booklets containing current registrations.
CMBC is a member of Amateur Field Trial Clubs of America. The AFTCA was organized in
1948 with a mission to restore and perpetuate upland bird habitat and promote, regulate, control and advise on conducting amateur field trials on upland game birds.
The CMBC is an active member of the Federation of Maine Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners. The Federation follows legislative issues and provides educational materials on responsible dog ownership.