SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Ms. Penny Carry
9-12 Month Puppy Dogs
1 - BLACKDIAMOND SUNCLIFFE RUMOR HAS IT, o Lorrie Blockler & Nancy Cunliffe
2 - JACKSON’S PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM, o Pamela & Robert Jackson
12-18 Month Junior Dogs
12-18 Month Junior Bitches
1 - DOGWOOD HOLLOW’S APPLE PIE, o Kim P. & James P. Tees
Best in Sweepstakes
Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes DOGWOOD HOLLOW’S APPLE PIE
REGULAR Judge: Mr. Douglas Gaudin
9-12 Month Puppy Dogs
1 - BLACKDIAMOND SUNCLIFFE RUMOR HAS IT, by GCH Triumphant’s Absolut’ JH x CH Millette Mich’s MT Magic Charm; o Lorrie Blockler & Nancy Cunliffe; b Lorrie Blockler & Nancy Cunliffe & Linda McCartney
2 - JACKSON’S PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM, by CH Gibson JH CGC x CH Triumphants Everything Nice JH CGC; o/b Pamela & Robert Jackson
12-18 Month Junior Dogs
1 - HORIZON’S STRAIGHT ON TIL MORNING, by CH Canipat’s As You Like It x GCH Shady Brook’s Measure For Measure; o Jean Miller, b Lisa Tailby
Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs
1 - MAPLE BROOK’S GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, by CH Omega’s Red Granite JH x GCH Triumphant’s Absolute Evel; o/b Peggy Aguiar
Open Dogs
1 - J&A’S MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION OF ACTON JH, by GCH Tonan-Hopes RU Kiddin Me x CH J & A’s Heartfelt Legend Of Acton; o/b John A. & Ann H. Short
2 - PARADISE’S “RUN FOR THE ROSES”, by CH Paradise’s O’ What A Night! JH x CH Paradise’s Ribbon In The Sky!; o/b D.J. Hughes
3 - BEBOP CAB CALLOWAY, by CH Bebop Hoagy Carmichael x Bebop Tin Pan Alley; o/b Dr. Leslie Jane Hunt
Reserve Winners Dog
12-18 Month Bitches
1 - BREEZEWATER GONE WITH THE WIND, by Blazin Tactical Weapon x Breezewater Jenny’s Last Dance; o Lisa Tailby & Linda Holcomb, b Linda & Drew D. Holcomb
2 - DOGWOOD HOLLOW’S APPLE PIE, by CH Dogwood Hollow Just Imagine x CH Dogwood Hollow Deal Or No Deal; o Kim P. & James P. Tees, b Geri & Gary Clements & Cheryl Mika
Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches
1 - SWEET GRACES LUV OMEGA-G, by CH Gibson JH x Sweet Luvy Sal Omega; o Priscilla J. Thibodeau, b Gerard L. & Priscilla J. Thibodeau
American-Bred Bitches
1 - PARADISE’S HIGH FLYIN’ SENORITA, by CH Paradise’s O’ What A Night JH x CH Paradise’s Ribbon In The Sky; o Sarah Camire, b Darlene Hughes
Open Bitches
1 - BOUDREAUX’S EVA MAE, by CH Saradac’s Rustic Image x Boudreaux’s Billie Button; o Warren Cummins & Edward Kostka, b Darlene A. & David Dow & Scott Blair 2 - AMMO’S PLAY IT PRETTY, by CH Ammo’s One Man Band x Ammo’s Wild Honey; o Jane Bjork & Sandra Leavens, b Sandra & Gary D. Leavens
3 - J & A’S DREAMS COME TRUE OF ACTON, by Pride & Joy’s White Smoke x Birch Springs Wish Upon A Star; o/b Ann H. & John Short, Sr.
4 - PARADISE’S “MOON RIVER”, by CH Gourley’s One Hot Ticket JH x CH Paradise’s Northern Lights JH; o D. J. Hughes, b Darlene J. Hugh
Summary of Results
Reserve Winners Bitch AMMO’S PLAY IT PRETTY
Central Maine Brittany Club 2013 Specialty
Celebrating the club’s 35th anniversary, the Central Maine Brittany Club held its annual Designated Specialty show on Saturday, June 22, 2013 in conjunction with the third annual Maine Chickadee Classic, a four day cluster at the Cumberland Maine Fairgrounds. Close by is the beautiful coast of Maine with its beaches, lighthouses, and fresh seafood including of course everyone’s favorite, Maine lobster. L.L. Beans flagship store is nearby as well for those who enjoy shopping.
There was a total of 78 Brittany entries over the four day cluster. The Specialty itself drew 30 regular entries and six Sweeps. The Supported entry drew 25 regular entries. There were majors both days.
Our fourth year with our host, The Penobscot Valley Kennel Club helps us to accommodate the needs of our Brittany exhibitors and their dogs. This year the grooming area was relocated and expanded to the area under the MBF tent directly across from ‘our’ ring located right next to the CMBC hospitality center. PVKC also marked out and reserved a larger parking/RV area than ever before on the “other side” of the infamous log. They gave us our own special entrance and day parking for Brittany exhibitors.
To help beat the heat and high humidity CMBC offered shade and refreshments under a tent for Brittany exhibitors including complimentary cold beverages, fruit, vegetables, and treats for the dogs. Generous donations towards this year’s raffle included a $100.00 gift basket from Maine Pet Life Stores, ½ hour Scenic Flight from Western Maine Aviation, $100.00 gift basket from Gundog Supply, Brittany Earrings by Woodland Oak Art, $25.00 Bank Gift Card from Sam & Pam Jackson, Partylite Candles from Lois McCallister, Grooming by Nancy Morabito, Handcrafted Notecards by Dottie Boyatzi and more. A second raffle table was supported entirely by Cabelas who donated a men’s field watch, a padded chaise lounge, and a woman’s field watch. Maine Human Nature donated a basketful of assorted handmade all natural herbal soaps.
Additionally, Dawn Hill, Chris Klimash, and Julie Harris supported breed prizes and rosettes.
Sweepstakes judge Penny Cary of Saco, Maine enjoyed her assignment of five dogs and one bitch. Her Best in Sweeps was awarded to Lorrie Blockler and Nancy Cunliffe’s BLACK DIAMOND SUNCLIFFE RUMOR HAS IT. Penny awarded Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes to DOGWOOD HOLLOWS APPLE PIE owned by Kim Tees.
Thirty impressively beautiful Brittanys were presented to Judge Douglas Gaudin from Ontario. After thoroughly examining and observing the dogs brought before him he selected John and Ann Short’s J&A’S MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION OF ACTON JH for Winners Dog. Winning this three point major meant that “Hemi” (pending official AKC certification) was a brand new champion of record finishing his championship title with style. Peggy Augiar’s MAPLEBROOK’S GREAT BALLS OF FIRE was Reserve Winners Dog. Mr. Gaudin, presented with a lovely selection of bitches, selected Val and Warren Cummin’s BOUDREAUX’S EVA MAE for his Winners Bitch. She went on to win Best of Winners and Jane Bjork and Sandra Leavens’s AMMO’S PLAY IT PRETTY was awarded Reserve Winners Bitch. Next, a stunning assembly of all the champions and his two winners lined up for the consideration of Mr. Gaudin. Each dog and handler was put through the paces under the watchful eye of the judge. For his final selection he awarded Reva Dickson and Sandra Smith’s CH CROSS CREEK LILY the coveted Best of Breed. Lily also went on to win an impressive Group 2! Best Opposite Sex went to Lisa Tailby’s CH HORIZONS I PUT A SPELL ON YOU. Select Dog and Select Bitch went to CH HILLS MIDNIGHT EXPRESS and GCH SHADY BROOK’S MEASURE FOR MEASURE respectively.
Following the Specialty exhibitors moved down to the sporting Group ring to cheer ‘team Lily’ as she and Reva represented our breed wonderfully and won a Group 2. Congratulations to all the winners!
Following Best in Show the club hosted exhibitors, members, and friends to a Maine Lobster Dinner/Chicken Barbecue. “Catered” by members of CMBC about 45 dinner guests were served an enjoyable meal of choice of main entree, corn on the cob, fresh drawn butter, homemade coleslaw, yeast rolls, and choice of beverage. Desserts were varied and included watermelon, brownies with whip cream and strawberries, rhubarb cake, chocolate chip cookies, apple squares, mini-eclairs and more. Needless to say no one went hungry! There were plenty of lobsters for those who could eat more than one. Some of the winners had received complimentary dinner tickets as part of their prizes. It was a lot of work but everyone seemed to have fun.
The number of members who turned out to help from beginning to end was greatly appreciated. Of special note it was nice for Frank and Donna Pride, two of the club’s co-founders, to join us. I cannot name each individual who helped for fear of omitting someone. So many donations of needed items were generously given. I do hope you all know how much easier things ran due to your help and support. Even so, I will enjoy the opportunity to give a shout out to my husband John who truly gives life and feet to my ideas as the plans I share with him come together throughout the year.
CMBC has a great leadership team of officers and directors, many new members, and those who have been committed to the club throughout the 35 years. I am personally proud to be part of such an awesome group of people dedicated to this amazing breed we know and love. Thirty-five years and going strong, CMBC is a great Brittany club to be a part of. Thank you to all the exhibitors and their beautiful Brittanys who attended and who contributed to the success of this year’s show. The official results follow with congratulations to all winners. Dates for the 2014 Maine Chickadee Classic are June 21-22, 2014. We hope you’ll join us here in Maine next year.
Respectfully Submitted, Ann H. Short 3rd Vice President of Shows